Sunday, June 14, 2009



All symptoms of Aranea are characterized by periodicity, and coldness, and great susceptibility to dampness. It is the remedy for the constitution favorable to malarial poisoning, where every damp day or place favors chilliness. Patient feels cold to the very bones. Coldness not relieved by anything. Feeling as if parts were enlarged and heavier. Wake up at night with hands feeling twice their natural size. Spleen swollen. Hydrogenoid Constitution, i.e., Abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold, inability to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers, etc., or in damp, chilly places. (Nat-s, Thuj.).


Aranea was suggested by Grauvogl as one of the remedies for what he called the Hydrogenoid constitution which could not tolerate moisture. Under Aranea all the symptoms are worse during damp weather or from dwelling in damp localities.

Especially is this ftue with what we may call chronic intermittent fever, for which Aranea is the remedy when the symptoms are aggravated during every spell of damp weather.

Cinchona and Chininum Sulphuricum are both very similar to Aranea diadema in the periodical return of symptoms, and both are indicated in cases of swollen spleen, and of ague from living in damp places.

Cedron, of which it has been asserted that it will relieve the bite of rattlesnake and modify hydrophobia, may also be regarded as an analogue of Aranea diadema and of the spider poisons generally. It is said to act best in nervous, excitable and even voluptuous patients, especially females.

The febrile and neuralgic symptoms return with clock-like regularity. It is used in ague contracted in warm countries or in low, marshy lands, in which latter respect it offers some similiarity to Aranea. But the former remedy has won favor mainly in hot climates, while the later works well in chills predominates, heat being slight or wanting.

So far as proved, Aranea does not develop the extreme excitation of the other three spiders mentioned above still there is evidence that it affects the nervous system.

Aranea also cures diarrhoea, and these patients are often troubled with this disorder. The stools are watery, and are associated with great rumbling in the bowels, as if considerable fermentation were going on within.

There is a symptom of Aranea which i have not had the opportunity of observing in practice, and that is numbness of the parts supplied by the ulnar nerve.

Arnea also attacks the bones. It is especially indicated in disease of the os calcis(heel pain) when the patient complains of violent, dull, boring pain in that bone. This may be due to simple periostitis, or it may be associated with caries. Sometimes there is a sensation as if the bones felt like ice. This is purely subjective.


All spider poisons powerfully affect the nervous system (Tarent., Mygale). Aranea diadema is the remedy for the constitution favorable to malarial poisoning, where every damp day or place favors chilliness. There is abnormal susceptibility to damp and cold. Patient feels cold to the very bones, cannot get warm enough. Inability to live near fresh water, rivers, lakes or in damp chilly places(Dulc., Nat-s.).

All symptoms of Aranea are characterized by periodicity and coldness and great susceptibility to dampness. Feeling of faintness with nausea, vertigo, trembling and cold sweating. Chill not better by external warmth, no sweat with fevers. Patient feels cold to the very bones. Coldness not relieved by anything.

Aranea diadema is a hemorrhagic remedy. Violent hemoptysis of bright red blood in debilitated subjects, bathing and damp places aggravate, coldness as if the bones were made of ice. Pains are like electric shocks. Headache relieved by smoking tobacco. Toothache after lying down at night. Creeping as of ants all over the body. Many symptoms occur on the right side.

COMMENTS: Aranea diadema has chilliness followed by little or no fever. Chill and neuralgic attacks at the same hour every day, every other day, week, month or regular period. Attacks are violent and sudden. Hydrogenoid constitution, abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold inability to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers, etc. or in damp, chilli places (Nat-s., Thuj.)

COMPARE: (3) Cedr. - intermittents of hot climates, Aranea. of cold climates chiefly.


Aranea (the cross spider) is one of our neglected and forgotten remedies not mentioned by Anschutz in his volume of new, old and forgotten remedies.

This remedy is of wide-range and profoundly deep in action, curing conditions which are of long standing, chronic and of an obstinate resisting nature to the ordinary remedies; in other words, it cures after other seemingly indicated remedies fail.

It deeply affects the nervous system, the blood and circulatory system, the bones and the glands, especially the liver and spleen. It depresses the mental sphere profoundly, causing deep despondency and longing for death like Aur.

It belongs to Grauvogl's Hydrogenoid group of remedies in its extreme sensitiveness to wet, cold, rainy weather and even bad effects from bathing. Remedies like Calc., Dulc., Rhus-t., and Nat-s., are in this group. It is a hemorrhagic remedy producing long-lasting, copious and too frequent menses. Metrorrhagia, bright colored blood. Dysmenia, spasms commencing in stomach. Viscous leucorrhea. From the respiratory organs violent hemoptysis in anemic debilitated subjects. Hemorrhage from wounds. Punctured wounds. General weakness even to a state of exhaustion is noted. Pain is an outstanding feature of this remedy, the pains are periodic at clock-like regular intervals like Cedr., but Cedr. is worse in hot climates and Aranea is aggravated in cold, wet or rainy weather.

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