Saturday, October 3, 2009


Dengue fever also known as break-bone fever is a severe infectious disease characterized by pain in eyes, head and extremities.  The disease is transmitted by the infective bite of Aedes Aegypti mosquito. once bitten by the mosquito, it takes 3-14 days to develop the disease.  Dengue Hamorrhagic Fever (DHF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome(DSS) are the most serious forms of Dengue that may cause death.  Person with dengue hemorrhagic fever lacks blood clotting process. About 20-30% of people with DHF develop shock which is known as dengue shock syndrome.  Dengue commonly prevails in warm and wet areas of the world.  The disease is commonly spread during the rainly season.  It is highly recommended to see a doctor, once the symptoms of dengue fever are observed.


Symptoms of dengue fever occur in 5-6 days after the bite from infectious mosquito.  Sudden onset of fever with severe headache, muscle and joint pains are the primary symptoms of dengue fever.  Most common symptoms for dengue fever are: 
1.  Severe frontal headache 2.  Loss of sense of taste and appetite  3.  Nausea and vomiting     
4.  Liver and spleen enlargement  5.  Measles-like rash over chest and upperlimbs.  Clincally person suffering from dengue fever shows sudden drop in number of platelets (helps in blood clotting).  Reduction in platelets may cuase bleeding through gums and other internal parts of the body. 


Dengue fever is primarily caused by a bite of Aedes Aegypti mosquito. it is mainly caused by any one of the four dengue virus..DEN-1., DEN-2., DEN-3., and DEN-4.  Infection with one virus does not provide protection to the person from other three viruses.  However, the person gets life-long immunity from that particular virus, once treated.  It is a wrong belief that dengue is spread directly from person to person.  The dengue fever can only be transmitted to a healthy individual through mosquito bite.  Stomach, liver, and intestine.  Some patients with dengue fever may also show increase in concentration.


Prevention is the only cure for dengue fever.  To stop the spread of dengue fever, one must eradicate the cause of the fever, Aedes mosquito.  To prevent the growth and multiplication of Aedes mosquito, one must take precautions like:
1.  All water and air-coolers must be thoroughly washed and dried out before re use.  2.  One table spoon of petrol added in cooler water can help in preventing the breeding of mosquito.  3.  Overhead and other water tanks should be kept covered or air-tight.  4.  Unused or broken bottles, pots and tyres should not be left open.  5.  Accumulation of water in pots, unused utensils or containers must be avoided.  People who are constantly travelling in dengue prone areas may lower the risk by 1. wearing insect repellent with DEET. 2. Wearing clothes that completely covers the body. 3.  keeping the unscreened doors and windows closed.



[Complete ] [Fever, Heat]Dengue fever: Eup-perf., Acon., Bry., Rhus-t., Apis.., Aran., Ars., Arum-t., Bapt., Bell., Canth., Chin., Coloc., Ferr., Gels., Ham., Ip., Merc., Nux-v., Podo., Rhus-v., Sanic., Sec., Sul-ac.


[Boericke ] [Fever]Type of fever:Dengue: Acon., Eupt-perf., Gels., Rhus-t., Ars., Bell., Bry., Canth., Ipec., Nux-v., Rhus-v.


[Knerr ] [Fever]Fever:Dengue (breakbone): Eupt-perf., Acon., Bry., Rhus-t., Ars., Bell., Chin., Coloc., Ferr., Ham., Ip., Merc., Nux-v., Podo., Sec., Sul-ac. 


  1. Hi:

    Could you please, send me your e-mail, I want to consult you for Homeopathy treatment. I stay in Chennai. I am suffering from Chronic Gastritis & Dizziness. Kindly reply to my -email""

    P.S. I am sorry for using this blog space.

  2. Mosquitoes bite some people more than others. We don't really understand why, but a recent paper in PLOS One suggests that genes could play a role in the attraction.
